DIY Botanical Body Oils
Herbal body oils are infused with plants, and contain the entirety of the plant medicine, not just a concentrated fraction of it like essential oils.
They are simple to make and the oil acts as a carrier to deliver the medicine of the plant(s) directly to your bloodstream and nervous system, working on many layers. Anything put on the skin is absorbed into our bodies.
You can use any common oils such as olive, jojoba, coconut, apricot, and more. For abdominal and womb health, I like to blend it with castor oil to support blood/lymph flow and circulation.
The next page details some of my favorite plants to add, but follow your intuition and what guides you!
DIY Herbal Body Oil
To make an herbal oil, fill a jar of any size with plants of your choice. Pack tight, but not too tight. Then pour over oil of your choice (I like jojoba or a castor oil-olive oil blend) to the top, making sure it covers all plant material. Close, and shake. Store in a dark and cool place for a moon cycle, shaking every few days. Then strain and store in a clean jar with a pump for easy use.
All of the herbs listed below are great for use in an herbal abdominal-womb massage oil, as they are supportive of women's health and wellness on a physical-emotional-energetic level.
Arnica - is great for muscle aches and pains, and wound healing.
Calendula - anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, calendula stimulates lymph flow and helps soothe.
Chamomile - deeply soothes and relaxes the body and mind. Helps calm inflamed or irritated tissues as well as if there's frayed nerves or sleeplessness.
Lavendar - well-loved for stress relief and its relaxing, intoxicating aroma. It is also naturally anti-bacterial and helps relieve pain.
Linden - soothes and heals tissues and has an affinity for healthy blood flow.
Rose - mildly astringent, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, calming, and uplifting. Rose is soothing to irritated skin and helps lock in moisture. It also is a balm for the emotional heart.
St. John's wort - one of the best remedies for aches and pains, and uplifting the spirit and mood. This plant also effectively increases metabolism of excess estrogen. Ideally used with fresh herb.
Turmeric - great to add a small amount to blends in the postpartum time to support healing, especially for cesarean scars. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and pain reliever.
Violet - the leaf is a lymph mover and has an affinity for the breast and female reproductive system.